To my dearest gall bladder,
Our relationship together is coming to an end Monday. It has been a roller coaster of a ride and will always remember the Good:
The 55 pounds you helped me loose.
That I actually like salads without dressing
My new love for jello
My new found respect for child labor, because in the end you get a beautiful baby.
With the good comes the bad:
My dependency on pain killers.
The pain I pushed through all hours through the night while your baby gall stones blocked ducts.
The many sleepless nights while my baby slept through the night!
The Thanksgiving dinner I had to do without!
As you can see the bad outweighs the good, so at 9:30 am December 8th you will be removed from my life. I am sorry to see you go, but you knew this time had to come!
Your former home!
3 weeks ago
{{{ ALLISON }}}}
Will they keep it so you can take a picture to put on your blog?
I feel for you. I had my GB out many years ago (9 I think). I'll be thinking of you!
Glad to hear you will be feeling better soon.
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