Tomorrow embarks the end of 3rd grade for my oldest princess! I cannot believe she will be 2 years away from middle school. As I look back during this year my heart beams with pride at how hard she has worked! She has excelled in the subjects she always has and even in those she had the hardest. She finishes this school year bench marked a whole grade level ahead.
She just finished her Spring Select season of soccer and she also has excelled in that as well. She is so fast on the field that no one is safe. Her coaches were awesome and taught her so much! The girls were the best and they exuded togetherness! This team lost 2 games out of the regular season and 1 game during tournament play. The second tournament they finished with no goals scored on them. I am one proud soccer mom!
Where do I start with my little princess in training. The time is flying so fast that I can't seem to catch my breath. She gives me little time to myself which is fine since that is what she is supposed to do. She is feisty and gives you a run for your money. In 2 months she will be 1 and I wish time would stop for a while.
I am already seeing many difference between the girls at this age. Miss Sassy Pants was my quiet one who just wanted to roam and explore. Not the baby... she is all about making sure she is heard. Quiet times comes during nap time and bed time. I am lucky that the second time around brings a non-picky eater. With the way the baby whines you would think we never feed her. You know how babies like to drop food? Not her... there will be no wasting food in her eyes. She will eat almost every little bit she can find!
I know the updates are few and far in between, but I plan on giving them when I can... I will leave you with a pic.

At the Ronald Reagan Library... she is all about learning about presidents!

Keeping herself busy while out to eat... she has a creamer in her hand.