In this household you will find a typical male species. What is a typical male species? One that will watch any sporting event that is on TV. You name it dear hubby will watch it basketball, baseball, golf, soccer, Hockey, football (there are many more)... and with most he will watch the pros and college. If we are out it will be DVRd. If he knows the score he will still watch it.
He does have those favorite teams he just can't miss:
NBA: LA Lakers
NHL: LA Kings
MLB: LA Dodgers
NFL: Carolina Panthers
Even if the team sucks there will be no band wagon jumping in this house. He is a true fan through and through.
Now for me or maybe most women, teams I think are chosen differently. Here are a couple ways I choose a team.
1. Uniforms: if it is appealing to the eye I will keep looking. I love the Panthers and their colors.
2. Players: If they are appealing to the eye... makes it a whole lot easier to watch. Oh and don't forget all that ass smacking... so many butts so little time!
3. Player Names: I love giving nicknames... on UCLA ABOYA translates to Ma Boya ( I do miss MBAH A MOUTE or Ma Bootay)... Pau Gasol translates to POW. I mean how cool would it be to have these names on a jersey. In honor of my best friends favorite player... Lofa Tatupu on the Seahawks: Tapoopoo.
Men may read this and shake their heads, but hey I am a woman. There is no explanation to my madness!